Paradigms, Models, Scenarios and Practices for strong sustainability

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9.30 Registration 

10.15 Welcome Message : Jean Philippe Luis (Director de la MSH), Marie Schellens (President ERASME), Lionel Roucan (President Plateforme 21) et Arnaud Diemer (Scientific Coordinator ERASME)

10.30  Amphi 2019 : Key Speakers

Facilitator : Marie Schellens (University of Stockholm)

Birgit Kopainsky (University of Bergen), Navigating between analyticalrigor and inclusiveness in participatory systems modeling

Basarab Nicolescu (CIRET),  Transdisciplinarity approach of strong sustainability

12.00  - 13.30 Lunch (salle 28)

13.30 - 15.30 

Amphi 219 : Paradigms for Strong Sustainability (French/English)

Facilitator : Jenneth Parker (Schumacher Institute)

1.1 Economics, democracy and sustainability of the Anthropocene. A dialectic investigation on the paradigms of environmental and ecologic political economy. Pietro Beltramello (University of Padua, Italy).

1.2 Redefining sustainability in the Anthropocene. A complexity-based paradigm for responsible research and regenerative economicsAnne Snick (SAPIIR, Belgium, Club of Rome). Présentation ppt

1.3 The implications of a linear global phopshorus supply chain on the world‘s regionsClaudiu Nedelciu, Kristin Vala Ragnarsdottir, Ingrid Stjernquist (University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland ; Stockholm University, Sweden).

1.4 Towards “sustainable wellbeing” : advances in contemporary conceptsTadhg O'Mahony (University of Turku, FFRC, Finland). 

Amphi 220 : Climate Crisis and Strong Sustainability  (English)

Facilitator : August Wierling (HVL, Norway)

A.1 Climate Change Vulnerability Index : A Practical Tool for Regional Planning and Development to Achieve Sustainability. Manoranjan Ghosh (IIT Kharagpur, India).

A.2 Cooperation in an age of emergency ? Climate action as the catalyst for rapid transition towards strong sustainability. Steven R. Smith, Ian Christie (Centre for Environment and Sustainability, CES, UK).

A.3 Climate change is not the problem, the problems are our economic system and the demography : Manifesto for strong sustainability. Arnaud Diemer (UCA, ERASME, CERDI, France).

A.4 When does it pay to be adapted to climate change ? Nicolas Baelen (Ecole Universitaire de Management, CLeRMa, Clermont-Ferrand, France).

Amphi 125 :  Atelier Débats, Paysages et Biodiversité (French)

15.30 - 16.00 Pause (salle 28 et 2étage MSH)

16.00 - 18.00 

AMPHI 219 : Round Table  1, Sustainable Development Goals French/English))

 Facilitators : Eduard Nedelciu (Iceland University, ERASME), Marie Schellens (Stockholm University, ERASME)

 Conférencier : Joyeeta Gupta (Amsterdam University) : Global Environmental Outlook and Governance

 TR11 : SDGs Oriented ActionMariola Zalewska (University of Warsaw, Poland)

 AMPHI 220 : Round Table 2, Europe and Strong Sustainability (English)

 Facilitator : Birgit Kopainsky, Florian Dierickx

TR21. Frontrunners and Laggards : How fast are the EU and its members States moving towards the Sustainable Development Goals ?  Markus Hametner, Mariia Kostetckaia (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria).

TR22 : On the potentials of and challenges for indicator based trend analyses and forecasts Mark Meyer (GWS, Germany).

  Amphi 125 : Atelier Débats :Villes et Territoires Durables (French)

19.00 - 20.30  Réception à la Mairie de Clermont-Ferrand, remise des prix Jean Monnet et Donella Meadows

21.00 - 23.00 Dîner chez Fred et Nath, Restaurant du Stade, 32 rue Drelon, Clermont-Ferrand 



8.45 - 10.15 Amphi 219, Key Speakers (French/English)

Facilitator: Therese Bennich (Stockholm University)

Paul James (Western University of Sydney), Beyond reductive systems approaches

 Joseph Tainter (Utah State University), The fundamental question of sustainability

 10.15 - 10.30 Pause Café

 10.30 - 12.30 

Amphi 2019 : Finance and Corporate Sustainability (French/English)

Facilitator : Sylvain Marsat (UCA, ClerMa)

2.1 Socially responsible indices : What contribution for sustainability ?Abdelbari El Khamlichi (Université Chouaib Doukkali, ENCG, Morocco, ClerMa).

2.2 Financing Sustainability at EU level : state of play and key challenges. Michele Alessandrini, Pietro Celotti, François Levarlet (T33, Italy).

2.3 Parametric index insurance in developing countries : a reflection on the estimation of the risk. Marie-Eliette Dury, Bing Xiao (UCA, CERDI, France).

2.4  Sustainability through Corporate Social Responsibility contribution by Oil and Gas Industrial Cluster : the Case of Dadu, Sindh, Pakistan. Maryam Kalhoro (Sindh University Campus Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan).

2.5 Cars and Carrots : Funding Pensions in a Degrowing Economy, Antoine Monserand (CEPN, Paris 13, France)

Amphi 220 : Sustainable Consumption (English)

Facilitator : Darren McCauley

B1. Sustainable consumption on the crossroad between individual and social preferences - the chances of the concept of identity. Anna Horodecka (Warsaw School of Economics, Poland).

B2. Leap in structural change only ensure sustainability. Sureh Suresh Gautam (Tribhuvan University ; Kathmandu, Népal).

B3. Transition through “sustainable wellbeing”, an approach to overcome what consumes us. Tadhg O'mahony, Jyrki Luukkannen, (University of Turku, FFRC, Finland).

B4. Economic behavior and environmental equilibrium : analysis from game theory. David Perez-Rebolledo, Katia Romero-Leon (Lomas del Estadio S/N, Col. Zona Universitaria,  Facultad de Economía, Veracruz, México -  Mexique).

B5. Evaluation of a political socialization strategy within family communities, from a governance and sustainability approach, with an educational nature. Enrique Manero Moreno (Manero Design, Mexico).

12.30 - 14.00 Repas (salle 28)

14.00 - 15.30 

Amphi 219 : Round Table, Developing Countries and Strong Sustainability (French/English)

Facilitators : Valeria Schwanitz, Paul James

TR31: Design test sustainable socio-economic development for developing countries. Abdessamad Ouchen (ENCG, Fès Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Fès, LAMAFAO, Morocco).

TR32 : Assessment of linkages between mitigation interventions and SDGs : evidences from Indian Agriculture, Shreya Some (Jadavpur University, India).

TR33: Tax revenues and social protection financing in African and Latin American Countries. Afrika Ndongozi-Nsabimana (CERDI, UCA, France).

TR34 : Reviving Indian indigenous agricultural practices with cow (bovine) based products: An attempt towards sustainability in the chemical based environment, Sambit Shome, Dipika Mal (Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, India)

Amphi 220 : Round Table, In a Relativist World, Strong Sustainability does no make sense ! (English)

  What are the research frames that most support Strong Sustainability?

·  How do some widespread research approaches undermine our Strong Sustainability efforts?

Facilitators : David Collste (SRC, Sweden), Jenneth Parker (Schumacher Institute, UK)

Salle 230 : Atelier débat, Economie circulaire 

 15.30 - 16.00 Pause (Salle 28 et 2e étage)

 16.00 - 18.00 

Amphi 219,  Sustainable Food Systems (French/English)

Facilitator : Sylvie Ferrari (University of Bordeaux, Gretha)

3.1 Towards Sustainable Food Production Systems in Qatar : Assessment of the viability of Aquaponics. Sana Abusin, Brian Washington (Qatar University, Qatar).

3.2 Social movements and the right to access. The perspective of food sovereignty on the sustainable developmentSocial movements and the right to access. The perspective of food sovereignty on the sustainable developmentPierre-Mathieu Le Bel, Paulo Moruzzi Marques, Manuela Maluf Santos, Roberta Moraes Curan, Vitória Oliveira Pereira de Souza Leao (IRSTEA, France).

3.3 Intelligent Local Food System (SALi) : a new conceptual model for a system integrated urban food based on optimization and metabolic intelligence. Huda Saci, Ewa Berezowska-Azzag (Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme (EPAU), Algeria.

3.4 The degradation of sustainability of food systems by ultra-processed foods : the 3V rules to counteract it. Anthony Fardet, Edmond Rock (INRA Clermont Ferrand, France).

Amphi 220, Local Collective Actions for Sustainability (English)

Facilitator :Manuel Morales (NEOMA, ERASME)

C1 Collective Action Initiatives in the Energy Transition. Supporters of a strong sustainability paradigm ? Alessandro Sciullo, Osman Arrobbio Dario Padovan (Universita di Torino, Italy), et al.

C2 Methodological limits in the construction of emergent knowledge of ecological economicsMariana Montano-Ortiz, Katia Romero-Leon, David Perez-Rebolledo (Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico).

C3 Who participates in and drives collective action initiatives for a low carbon energy transition ? Statistical evidence from Europe. August Wierling, Valeria Jana Schwanitz, Jan Pedro Zeiss (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway) et al. 

C4 Social and Solidarity Economy organizations as Bio-economic Systems ? Insights from the case-study of the “Association Sahel Vert”. Pietro Beltramello (University of Hohenheim, Germany). 

C5. Local Government Initiatives to promote sustainable industrial development. The case of Abruzzo Region. Raffaella Taddeo, Anna Morgante, Alberto Simbolli, Andrea Raggi (University G. d'Annunzio of Chieti Pescara, Italy). 

 19.30  - 10.30   Dîner   Fred and Nathalie Restaurant, 32 rue Drelon in Clermont-Ferrand.



8.45 - 10.15   Amphi 219, Key Speakers

Facilitator : Ganna Gladkykh (UCA, CERDI, ERASME)

Valeria Jana Schwanitz (HVL, Norway), Sustainable Energy Transition, A Critical View

Darren Mcauley (St Andrews Sustainability Institute, UK), Conceptualising A Just Transition : From  the Russian Artic to Malawi

 10.15 - 10.30 Pause (salle 28)

 10.30 - 12.30 

Amphi 219, From Biodiversity Conservation to Bioeconomics (French/English)

Facilitator : Timothée Parrique

41. The bio-based economy from a strong sustainability perspective. Therese Bennich, Salim Belyazid (Stockholm University, Sweden). 

42. The Management of National Parks : Sustainability, challenges and constraints : Case of Djurdjura National Park (PND). Fatima Debiane, Mohamed Dahmani (University of Mouloud Mammeri, Algeria)

43. The microbial world : an unknown diversity of living beings essential for human, animal and plant life and sustainable development. Gérard Fonty (GREFFE, France).

44. Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen's bioeconomics and the Anthropocene : Some perspectives for the sustainability of economic processes facing planetary boundaries.  Sylvie Ferrari (University of Bordeaux, Gretha, France).

45. Industrial symbiosis, a circular bioeconomy strategy : the sugar beet case study at the Bazancourt-Pomacle Platform. Manuel Morales (Neoma Business School, Reims, France), Gemma Cervantes (GIEI, Mexico).

Amphi 220 :Education for Strong Sustainability (English) 

Facilitator : Francesca Marchetta (UCA, CERDI)

D1 Service Learning for the Achievement of the Education for Sustainable Development : Analysis of educational contexts and case studies in Japan and Malaysia. Ryohei Kageura, Ryo Tatsumi (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan).

D2.  How to endorse university students with sustainable development related skills ? A Sectoral Development Model for Higher Education. Pinar Ozuyar (Istinye University, Istanbul, United Nations Program Deputy).

D3. Develop self-confidence through a transformation of assessment practices. Francine Pellaud (HEP Fribourg, Switzerland).

D4. Education and sustainability, how SDGs contribute to change the representations of developing issues ? The Case Study of Pakistan, Faheem Khushik, Arnaud Diemer (UCA, ERASME, CERDI).

Salle 230, Round Table : Energy Jean Monnet Network (English)

Facilitators : Arnaud Diemer and Cécile Batisse (UCA, ERASME, CERDI) 

 12.30 - 14.00  Repas (salle 28)

 14.00 - 16.00  

Amphi 219, Pathways of transformation  (French/English)

Facilitator : Joseph Tainter

51. Quantum Theory as a source of insights to foster deep socio-ecological transformations toward strong transdisciplinarity. Potentialities, pitfalls and a possible way forward. Cyrille Rigolot (AgroPArisTech – VetAgro Sup, Territoires, France).

52. Three Horizons for the Sustainable Development Goals : A Cross-scale Participatory Approach for Transformative Pathways. David Collste, Ana Paula Aguiar, Zuzana Harmackova  (Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden).

53. Please, cover these differences, which I cannot see ? Explain the incommensurability for discuss the development sustainable behaviour of the territories. Sandrine Allain, Nicolas Salliou (Université de Toulouse, AGIR, France; PLUS, Zurich, Switzerland).

54. Deliberation : a new economic paradigm for a more democratic, inclusive and ecological society ? Eric Dacheux, Daniel Goujon (UCA, Communication et Société, France).

Amphi 220, Sustainable Evaluation and Indicators (English)

Facilitator :Guillaume Deffuant (Irstea)

E1. Developing a novel Index of Strong environmental Sustainability : preliminary results, Arkaitz Usubiaga-Liaño, Paul Ekins (University College London, England).

E2. Critical Natural Resources : Challenging the Current (Weak Sustainability) Discourse and Proposal for A Holistic Definition. Marie Schellens, Johanna Gisladottir (Stockholm University, NATGEO, University of Iceland, ERASME)

E3. How to assess sustainability : examples and challenges from the EU cohesion policies. Gaia Galassi, Andrea Gramillano, François Levarlet (T33, Italy).

E4.The issue of assessing the sustainability of public policies in terms of in waste management in Algeria, Study applied to PROGDEM. Souhila Belkis, Belaid Abrika (Université Mouloud Mammeri, Algeria)

salle 230, Table ronde : Industrial Symbiosis H2020 SPIRE 01 (English)

 16.00 - 16.30 Pause (salle 28)

 16.30 - 17.30 

Amphi 219, Communicating Sustainability Challenges

 Facilitators : Marie Schellens (Stockholm University, Sweden), David Collste (SRC, Sweden)

Hildred CRILL, Stockholm University.

Ashley PERL, Stockholm Resilience Center.

Elise ASPORD, University Clermont Auvergne.

 17.30 - 17.45  Closing Words

 19.00 - 23.00  Dinner - Jazz Concert : Restaurant du Jardin, 55 avenue F. Mitterrand, 6300 Clermont-Ferrand 






The symposium is organized by the Jean Monnet Excellence Center on Sustainability and Platform 21 


Proposals for papers in English or French should include: 
- a title,
a 300-500 word abstract, 
- the names of the authors, their institutions, and their e-mail addresses,
the choice between an oral presentation or a poster.

Abstract Deadline

Proposals must be sent on the website : for september 15th.

Deadline for final texts

The final texts and posters must be received by November 25th, 2019.


Three prizes will be awarded at the end of the Symposium: 
1. The Jean Monnet Prize for Sustainability for excellent research in sustainability
2. The Donella Meadows Prize for Sustainability for an early stage female researcher, 
3. The ERASME Poster Prize for the audience's and participants’ favourite poster.  

Researchers who wish to candidate for the first two prizes must send their final paper before November 20th, 2019 at For the winners, travel and conference accommodations will be taken in charge. Besides, they will receive an invitation for a 15-day stay at the Jean Monnet Excellence Center for Sustainability (ERASME).


Publication of papers will be possible via two journals (Revue Francophone du développement durable and European Review on Sustainability and Degrowth), as well as a collective book that will gather impressions and discussions from the symposium.



The conference is labelled Erasmus+. It is part of the activities of the Jean Monnet Excellence Center on Sustainability (ERASME), located at the UCA (Polytech Clermont Ferrand). 

Arnaud DIEMER 





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